• Welcome to Masjid Al Wadood

Ongoing Programs!

Tuesdays 11am

Quran Tajweed, Memorization and Tafseer

For sisters

Fridays at 7.30pm

Weekly Family Halaqa

For Families

Mon - Thu 4-7pm

Weekdays Madrasa

For kids 5 years and above

Ongoing & Upcoming

Masjid Programs

WATCH Our Video

In The Name Of Allah
The Beneficent The Merciful

Allah says in Holy Quran 9:18 “He alone can keep the mosques of Allah in a good and flourishing condition who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and observe prayer, and pays the Zakat, and fears none but Allah; so there it is who may be among those who reach the goal”.

Our Vision

Empower learners with a comprehensive Quran Tajweed program, fostering deep understanding and spiritual growth through guided, authentic recitation and interpretation

Our Mission

Facilitate Quranic literacy and spiritual connection by providing accessible, structured Tafsir education, promoting a profound understanding of the Holy Quran.

Parent Education

Provide Quran reading with tajweed rules

Video Sermons

Masjid Al Wadood

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Hadith & Sunnah

Attend our weekly hadees lectures on Wednesday

Charity & Donation

We provides sadqa money to needy.

News & Events

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